Budeme bydlet?
Altri titoli: Will we live?
Genere: Documentary film
Anno: 1947
Durata: 00:08:29
Descrizione: Recruitment in construction and for work in reopened brickyards after the war is presented through a contrast of scenes with lazy workers and those who are aware of the benefits of the work for their own as well as collective situation.
Parole chiave: staveniště / cihly / organizace mládeže / destrukce jako příležitost / kolektivní účast / plody práce / šťastná rodina/rodinné hodnoty / bytová krize / budoucnost mladších generací / construction site / bricks / destruction as an opportunity / collective participation / fruits of labor / happy family / family values / housing crisis / future of younger generations / VICTOR-E project
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Casa di produzione: KF Praha; Ministerstvo sociální péče
Colori: Black & White
Director: Jaroslav Veselý
Sound: With sound
Tipo documento:
Language: cs